1/15 --- S1. Governing a New Nation

DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


Objective: SWBAT describe how the United States began governing itself after the Revolutionary War, and explain the ways in which the power of the central government was limited.

    Standard: CA.HSS.8.3 - Students understand the foundation of the American political system and the ways in which citizens participate in it.

    Essential Questions: 

    • How did a new nation begin to govern itself?
    • How did the Founders limit the power of the country's first government?
    • What important laws were made under the Articles of Confederation?



      • Welcome back! Happy New Year!
      • S1. Governing a New Nation
        • How did a new nation begin to govern itself?
      • S2. Accepting a Central Government
        • How did the Founders limit the power of the country's first government?
      • S3. A Blueprint for Expansion
        • What important laws were made under the Articles of Confederation?

    S1. Governing a New Nation

    How did a new nation begin to govern itself?

    • video: Constructing State Constitutions (3:00)
    • WHOLE CLASS: read aloud S1 and answer focus question 1 (pg 114)
    • complete the graphic organizer rows for the following events (pg 112)
      • "Each state creates its own constitution"
      • "Virginia passes The Virginia Statute for religious freedom"


    S2. Accepting a Central Government

    How did the Founders limit the power of the country's first government?

    • read aloud S7 and answer focus question 2 (pg 114)
    • complete the graphic organizer rows for the following events (pg 112)
      • "Confederation is formed by Second Continental Congress"


    S3. A Blueprint for Expansion

    What important laws were made under the Articles of Confederation?

    Discussion:         Which states had competing land claims? Which state claimed the most western land?

      • "Congress passes Land Ordinance and Northwest Ordinance"
