1/23 & 1/24 --- 4.1 (Assessment): The Articles of Confederation

DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of the Articles of Cenfederation by scoring 75% or higher on assessment

    Standard: CA.HSS.8.3 - Students understand the foundation of the American political system and the ways in which citizens participate in it.

    Essential Questions: 

    • What did Shays's Rebellion indicate about the United States in the 1780s?



    • (review) S7.  Rebellion in a New Nation
      • What did Shays's Rebellion indicate about the United States in the 1780s?
    • Assessment 4.1 (Google Classroom)


    (Review) S7.  Rebellion in a New Nation

    What did Shays's Rebellion indicate about the United States in the 1780s?


    Assessment 4.1

    you may use your workbook and composition book to complete your assessment

    Do.... work for another class, read silently, "play" the stock market

    Don't... wander around the room, take a nap, talk to anyone, SIT DOING NOTHING, or use the laptops for anything except the assessment or stock market research


    4.2 Creating a Government (Introduction) Meeting of the Minds 

    • whole class guided reading and discussion
    • How did decisions made at the Constitutional Convention affect the balance of power in the new nation?

    S1. A More Perfect Union?