1/27 & 1/28 --- 4.2 Creating a New Government: S1. A More Perfect Union? /// S2. Great Compromise /// S3. The Question of Slavery

DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


Objective: SWBAT describe what motivated the Framers to reach a compromise over the structuring of Congress and disagreements regarding slavery and the slave trade

    Standard: CA.HSS.8.3 - Students understand the foundation of the American political system and the ways in which citizens participate in it.

    Essential Questions: 

    • How did the Philadelphia Convention begin?
    • How did a major disagreement lead to one of the key features of the U.S. government?
    • How did the question of slavery shape the new government?


      • S1: A More Perfect Union?
        • How did the Philadelphia Convention begin?
      • S2: Great Compromise
        • How did a major disagreement lead to one of the key features of the U.S. government?
      • S3: The Question of Slavery
        • How did the question of slavery shape the new government?


      4.2 Creating a New Government: Introduction - A Meeting of the Minds

      • To compromise is to come to an agreement by giving in on some points. 
        • Why did the representatives at this meeting need to compromise?
        • Does compromising mean you are not being true to your beliefs?
        • How do you decide when to give in on something you think is important to get something else you want?

      S1: A More Perfect Union?

      How did the Philadelphia Convention begin?

      • video: James Madison and Other Delegates (2:30)
      • small groups:
        • read aloud and annotate
        • respond to Focus Question
      • whole class: 
        • share out response to Focus Question 1 (p120)
        • Creating a Government Graphic Organizer [Problem -> Solution]:


      S2: Great Compromise

      How did a major disagreement lead to one of the key features of the U.S. government?

      • video: The Great Compromise (2:20)
      • small groups:
        • read aloud and annotate
        • respond to Focus Question
      • whole class: 
        • Creating a Government Graphic Organizer [Problem -> Solution]:


        S3: The Question of Slavery

        How did the question of slavery shape the new government?


        Exit Ticket:

        What motivated the Framers to reach a compromise over the structuring of Congress and disagreements regarding slavery and the slave trade?