2/18 & 2/19 --- 4.4 The Bill of Rights


  • copy the definition of "bill of rights" into your composition book.
    • bill of rightsA written list of people’s rights.
  • list the rights you think a bill of rights should include


Objective: SWBAT analyze the bill of rights and describe the ways in which it helps government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system

    Standard: CA.US.8.4 - Students analyze the aspirations and ideals of the people of the new nation.



        • S1: Rights Before the Revolution
          • Why were Americans fearful of a strong central government?
        • S2: Protecting the People
          • How did the Bill of Rights calm peoples' fears about a strong central government?
        • S3: Personal Liberty
          • How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?
        • S4: Rights of the Accused
          • How does the Bill of Rights protect against abuse of the justice system?
        • S5: Limited Government
          • How does the Bill of Rights limit the power of the central government?




        • Do you think people need protection from their own government? Why, or why not?
        • Besides the right to property, can you think of some other rights that people should enjoy?
        • What are some ways people try to protect their rights?


          S1: Rights Before the Revolution

          Why were Americans fearful of a strong central government?

          • small groups:
            • read aloud and annotate S1 (pg 142)
            • respond to Focus Question 1
          • whole class: 
            • share out Focus Question 


          S2: Protecting the People

          How did the Bill of Rights calm peoples' fears about a strong central government?

          • small groups:
            • read aloud and annotate S2 (pg 142)
            • respond to Focus Question 2
          • whole class: 
            • share out Focus Question 

          S3: Personal Liberty

          How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?

          • whole class: 
            • share out Focus Question 

          • The Bill of Rights: Graphic Organizer (pg 140-141)


          Exit Ticket:

          How does the Bill of Rights help government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system?