2/26 - The Bill of Rights (Essential Question Investigation)


  • pick up your workbooks (one person from each table)
  • open them to pg140 


Objective: SWBAT analyze primary and secondary sources to describe the ways in which the bill of rights helps balance rights and order in the U.S. political system

    Standard: CA.US.8.4 - Students analyze the aspirations and ideals of the people of the new nation.



        • 4.4 The Bill of Rights
          • ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does the Bill of Rights help government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system?
        • S1: Rights Before the Revolution
          • Why were Americans fearful of a strong central government?
        • S2: Protecting the People
          • How did the Bill of Rights calm peoples' fears about a strong central government?
        • S3: Personal Liberty
          • How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?
        • S4: Rights of the Accused
          • How does the Bill of Rights protect against abuse of the justice system?
        • S5: Limited Government
          • How does the Bill of Rights limit the power of the central government?
        • Investigation Activity --- Enduring Debate: Liberty vs. Security
          • Should the government be able to restrict individual rights to preserve order and protect citizens? In this activity, you will analyze two opposing positions. Then, you will join in the debate.
        • Social Studies Explanation: The Bill of Rights
          • ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does the Bill of Rights help government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system?
        • Assessment 4.4: The Bill of Rights
          • Written Assessment
          • Multiple Choice

        Have you seen him?

        Please remember to remove your hood! :)


        Social Studies Explanation: The Bill of Rights

        • Use the template to assemble evidence from the sources you have explored. 
        • Then, you use your completed template handout to write an answer to the Essential Question and defend your answer with supporting evidence.

        • 4.4 Essential Question: How does the Bill of Rights help government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system?

        2/24 & 2/25 --- Chapter 4 - The Bill of Rights

        DO NOW: 

        • Read both questions of the questions below
        • Then, select write a response to one in your composition book. Be sure to explain your opinion!
          • Should a person be allowed to speak their mind if they know that it will start a fight? Explain.
          • Should the police be allowed to search a person's home or car without a warrant if they believe he or she is about to commit a crime?


        Objective: SWBAT analyze the bill of rights and describe the ways in which it helps government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system

          Standard: CA.US.8.4 - Students analyze the aspirations and ideals of the people of the new nation.



              • 4.4 The Bill of Rights
                • ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does the Bill of Rights help government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system?
              • S1: Rights Before the Revolution
                • Why were Americans fearful of a strong central government?
              • S2: Protecting the People
                • How did the Bill of Rights calm peoples' fears about a strong central government?
              • S3: Personal Liberty
                • How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?
              • S4: Rights of the Accused
                • How does the Bill of Rights protect against abuse of the justice system?
              • S5: Limited Government
                • How does the Bill of Rights limit the power of the central government?
              • Investigation Activity --- Enduring Debate: Liberty vs. Security
                • Should the government be able to restrict individual rights to preserve order and protect citizens? In this activity, you will analyze two opposing positions. Then, you will join in the debate.
              • Social Studies Explanation: The Bill of Rights
                • ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does the Bill of Rights help government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system?
              • Assessment 4.4: The Bill of Rights
                • Written Assessment
                • Multiple Choice

              Have you seen him?

              Please remember to remove your hood! :)


              S1: Rights Before the Revolution

              Why were Americans fearful of a strong central government?

              • small groups:
                • read aloud and annotate S1 (pg 142)
                • respond to Focus Question 1
              • whole class: 
                • share out Focus Question 


              S2: Protecting the People

              How did the Bill of Rights calm peoples' fears about a strong central government?

              • small groups:
                • read aloud and annotate S2 (pg 142)
                • respond to Focus Question 2
              • whole class: 
                • share out Focus Question 

              S3: Personal Liberty

              How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?

              • whole class: 
                • share out Focus Question 

              • The Bill of Rights: Graphic Organizer (pg 140-141)
              S4: Rights of the Accused

              How does the Bill of Rights protect against abuse of the justice system?
              • video: (partners) 
              • small groups:
                • read aloud and annotate S4
                • respond to Focus Question 4
              • whole class: 
                • share out Focus Question 
              • The Bill of Rights: Graphic Organizer


              S5: Limited Government

              How does the Bill of Rights limit the power of the central government?

              • videos: 
              • small groups:
                • read aloud and annotate S5
                • respond to Focus Question 5
              • whole class: 
                • share out Focus Question 
              • The Bill of Rights: Graphic Organizer


              Investigation Activity --- Enduring Debate: Liberty vs. Security

              • Should the government be able to restrict individual rights to preserve order and protect citizens?' 
              • In this activity, you will analyze two opposing positions. Then, you will join in the debate.


              Social Studies Explanation: The Bill of Rights

              • Use the template to assemble evidence from the sources you have explored. 
              • Then, you use your completed template handout to write an answer to the Essential Question and defend your answer with supporting evidence.

              • 4.4 Essential Question: How does the Bill of Rights help government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system?

              2/20 & 2/21: 4.4 The Bill of Rights (Part 2)

              DO NOW: 

              • copy and annotate the lesson objective in your composition book


              Objective: SWBAT analyze the bill of rights and describe the ways in which it helps government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system

                Standard: CA.US.8.4 - Students analyze the aspirations and ideals of the people of the new nation.



                    • 4.4 The Bill of Rights
                      • ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does the Bill of Rights help government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system?
                        • S1: Rights Before the Revolution
                          • Why were Americans fearful of a strong central government?
                        • S2: Protecting the People
                          • How did the Bill of Rights calm peoples' fears about a strong central government?
                        • S3: Personal Liberty
                          • How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?
                        • S4: Rights of the Accused
                          • How does the Bill of Rights protect against abuse of the justice system?
                        • S5: Limited Government
                          • How does the Bill of Rights limit the power of the central government?

                    Have you seen him?

                    Please remember to remove your hood! :)




                    • Do you think people need protection from their own government? Why, or why not?
                    • Besides the right to property, can you think of some other rights that people should enjoy?
                    • What are some ways people try to protect their rights?


                      S1: Rights Before the Revolution

                      Why were Americans fearful of a strong central government?

                      • small groups:
                        • read aloud and annotate S1 (pg 142)
                        • respond to Focus Question 1
                      • whole class: 
                        • share out Focus Question 


                      S2: Protecting the People

                      How did the Bill of Rights calm peoples' fears about a strong central government?

                      • small groups:
                        • read aloud and annotate S2 (pg 142)
                        • respond to Focus Question 2
                      • whole class: 
                        • share out Focus Question 

                      S3: Personal Liberty

                      How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?

                      • whole class: 
                        • share out Focus Question 

                      • The Bill of Rights: Graphic Organizer (pg 140-141)
                      S4: Rights of the Accused

                      How does the Bill of Rights protect against abuse of the justice system?
                      • video: (partners) 
                      • small groups:
                        • read aloud and annotate S4
                        • respond to Focus Question 4
                      • whole class: 
                        • share out Focus Question 
                      • The Bill of Rights: Graphic Organizer


                      S5: Limited Government

                      How does the Bill of Rights limit the power of the central government?

                      • videos: (partners)
                      • small groups:
                        • read aloud and annotate S5
                        • respond to Focus Question 5
                      • whole class: 
                        • share out Focus Question 
                      • The Bill of Rights: Graphic Organizer

                      2/18 & 2/19 --- 4.4 The Bill of Rights

                      DO NOW: 

                      • copy the definition of "bill of rights" into your composition book.
                        • bill of rightsA written list of people’s rights.
                      • list the rights you think a bill of rights should include


                      Objective: SWBAT analyze the bill of rights and describe the ways in which it helps government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system

                        Standard: CA.US.8.4 - Students analyze the aspirations and ideals of the people of the new nation.


                          AGENDA / ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS

                            • S1: Rights Before the Revolution
                              • Why were Americans fearful of a strong central government?
                            • S2: Protecting the People
                              • How did the Bill of Rights calm peoples' fears about a strong central government?
                            • S3: Personal Liberty
                              • How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?
                            • S4: Rights of the Accused
                              • How does the Bill of Rights protect against abuse of the justice system?
                            • S5: Limited Government
                              • How does the Bill of Rights limit the power of the central government?



                            SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:

                            • Do you think people need protection from their own government? Why, or why not?
                            • Besides the right to property, can you think of some other rights that people should enjoy?
                            • What are some ways people try to protect their rights?


                              S1: Rights Before the Revolution

                              Why were Americans fearful of a strong central government?

                              • small groups:
                                • read aloud and annotate S1 (pg 142)
                                • respond to Focus Question 1
                              • whole class: 
                                • share out Focus Question 


                              S2: Protecting the People

                              How did the Bill of Rights calm peoples' fears about a strong central government?

                              • small groups:
                                • read aloud and annotate S2 (pg 142)
                                • respond to Focus Question 2
                              • whole class: 
                                • share out Focus Question 

                              S3: Personal Liberty

                              How does the Bill of Rights protect personal freedom?

                              • whole class: 
                                • share out Focus Question 

                              • The Bill of Rights: Graphic Organizer (pg 140-141)


                              Exit Ticket:

                              How does the Bill of Rights help government balance rights and order in the U.S. political system?

                              2/13 & 2/14_ A More Perfect Union

                              DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


                              Objective: SWBAT analyze and describe the system of federalism as it relates to government in the United States.

                                Standard: CA.
                                8.3.6 - Describe the basic law-making process and how the Constitution provides numerous opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process and to monitor and influence government (e.g., function of elections, political parties, interest groups).


                                  AGENDA / ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS

                                    • S1: Features of the Constitution
                                      • How is the Constitution organized?
                                    • S2: The Legislative Branch
                                      • What are the powers of the legislature?
                                    • S3: The Legislative Process
                                      • What is the basic lawmaking process in the federal government?
                                    • S4. Influencing Legislation
                                      • How does the Constitution provide opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process? 
                                    • S5. The Executive Branch (Article II)
                                      • What are the powers of the president?
                                    • S6. The Judicial Branch (Article III)
                                      • What are the powers of the judiciary?
                                    • S7. Democratic Principles
                                      • What democratic principles are reflected in the Constitution?
                                    • S8. How much is too much?
                                      • How does the Constitution limit the powers of the government?
                                    • S9. A More Perfect Union?
                                      • What is federalism?
                                    • S10. Federal Supremacy
                                      • How does the Constitution balance power between the federal government and the states?


                                      S5: The Executive Branch (Article II)

                                      What are the powers of the president?

                                      • whole class: 
                                        • share out Focus Question 
                                      • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                      S6. The Judicial Branch (Article III)

                                      What are the powers of the judiciary? (p133)

                                      • whole class: 
                                        • share out Focus Question 
                                      • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                      S7. Democratic Principles

                                      What democratic principles are reflected in the Constitution?

                                      • video: America's Roots (3:30)
                                      • small groups:
                                        • read aloud and annotate S7
                                        • respond to Focus Question 7
                                      • whole class: 
                                        • share out Focus Question 
                                      • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                      S8. How much is too much?

                                      How does the Constitution limit the powers of the government?

                                      • whole class: 
                                        • share out Focus Question 
                                      • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                      S9. A More Perfect Union?

                                      What is federalism?

                                      • whole class: 
                                        • share out Focus Question 
                                      • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                      Exit Ticket:

                                      2/12 --- S8. How much is too much?

                                      DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


                                      Objective: SWBAT analyze and describe the ways in which the Constitution limits government power.

                                        Standard: CA.
                                        8.3.6 - Describe the basic law-making process and how the Constitution provides numerous opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process and to monitor and influence government (e.g., function of elections, political parties, interest groups).


                                          AGENDA / ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS

                                            • S1: Features of the Constitution
                                              • How is the Constitution organized?
                                            • S2: The Legislative Branch
                                              • What are the powers of the legislature?
                                            • S3: The Legislative Process
                                              • What is the basic lawmaking process in the federal government?
                                            • S4. Influencing Legislation
                                              • How does the Constitution provide opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process? 
                                            • S5. The Executive Branch (Article II)
                                              • What are the powers of the president?
                                            • S6. The Judicial Branch (Article III)
                                              • What are the powers of the judiciary?
                                            • S7. Democratic Principles
                                              • What democratic principles are reflected in the Constitution?
                                            • S8. How much is too much?
                                              • How does the Constitution limit the powers of the government?
                                            • S9. A More Perfect Union?
                                              • What is federalism?
                                            • S10. Federal Supremacy
                                              • How does the Constitution balance power between the federal government and the states?


                                            CNN 10


                                              S5: The Executive Branch (Article II)

                                              What are the powers of the president?

                                              • whole class: 
                                                • share out Focus Question 
                                              • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                              S6. The Judicial Branch (Article III)

                                              What are the powers of the judiciary? (p133)

                                              • whole class: 
                                                • share out Focus Question 
                                              • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                              S7. Democratic Principles

                                              What democratic principles are reflected in the Constitution?

                                              • video: America's Roots (3:30)
                                              • small groups:
                                                • read aloud and annotate S7
                                                • respond to Focus Question 7
                                              • whole class: 
                                                • share out Focus Question 
                                              • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                              S8. How much is too much?

                                              How does the Constitution limit the powers of the government?

                                              • whole class: 
                                                • share out Focus Question 
                                              • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                              S9. A More Perfect Union?

                                              What is federalism?

                                              • whole class: 
                                                • share out Focus Question 
                                              • A More Perfect Union [Comparison Chart]:


                                              Exit Ticket: