12/12 & 12/13_S8. The Treaty of Paris

DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


Objective: SWBAT describe the ending of the Revolutionary War, as well as the provisions outlined in the Treaty of Paris.

    Standard: CA.HSS.8.1 - Students understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy.

    Essential Questions: 

    • How did other countries impact the outcome of the Revolutionary War?
    • How did civilian colonists support the Revolution?
    • What roles did African Americans play in the Revolutionary War?



    • S6. Native Americans Choose Sides
      • How did Native Americans participate in the Revolutionary War?
    • S7. Fruits of Victory
      • How did the Revolutionary War come to an end?
    • S8. The Treaty of Paris
      • What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris, and what was its impact?

    S6. Native Americans Choose Sides

    How did Native Americans participate in the Revolutionary War?


    S7. Fruits of Victory

    How did the Revolutionary War come to an end?

    • read aloud S7 and answer focus question 7 (pg 100)
    • complete the graphic organizer row titled Treaty of Paris (pg 97)

    The signing of the Preliminary Treaty of Peace at Paris, November 30, 1782, by the joint commissioners of the U.S. and England. 


    S8. The Treaty of Paris

    What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris, and what was its impact?

    Treaty of Peace
    A map of the United States of America, with part of the surrounding provinces from the Treaty of Peace of 1783.

    12/11 --- S6. Native Americans Choose Sides /// S7. Fruits of Victory /// S8. The Treaty of Paris

    DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


    Objective: SWBAT describe the key events in the lead up to the conclusion of the Revolutionary War.

      Standard: CA.HSS.8.1 - Students understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy.

      Essential Questions: 

      • How did other countries impact the outcome of the Revolutionary War?
      • How did civilian colonists support the Revolution?
      • What roles did African Americans play in the Revolutionary War?



      • S6. Native Americans Choose Sides
        • How did Native Americans participate in the Revolutionary War?
      • S7. Fruits of Victory
        • How did the Revolutionary War come to an end?
      • S8. The Treaty of Paris
        • What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris, and what was its impact?

      S6. Native Americans Choose Sides

      How did Native Americans participate in the Revolutionary War?


      S7. Fruits of Victory

      How did the Revolutionary War come to an end?

      • read aloud S7 and answer focus question 7 (pg 100)
      • complete the graphic organizer row titled Treaty of Paris (pg 97)

      The signing of the Preliminary Treaty of Peace at Paris, November 30, 1782, by the joint commissioners of the U.S. and England. 


      S8. The Treaty of Paris

      What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris, and what was its impact?

      Treaty of Peace
      A map of the United States of America, with part of the surrounding provinces from the Treaty of Peace of 1783.

      12/9 --- The American Revolution ---- S3. Foreign Influences /// S4. Civilians Pitch In /// S5. Divided Loyalties

      DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


      Objective: SWBAT describe the significance and diversity of American supporters in the American Revolution, and consider the impact of each group on its outcome.

        Standard: CA.HSS.8.1 - Students understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy.

        Essential Questions: 

        • How did other countries impact the outcome of the Revolutionary War?
        • How did civilian colonists support the Revolution?
        • What roles did African Americans play in the Revolutionary War?



        • S3. Foreign Influences
          • How did other countries impact the outcome of the Revolutionary War? 
        • S4. Civilians Pitch In
          • How did civilian colonists support the Revolution?
        • S5. Divided Loyalties
          • What roles did African Americans play in the Revolutionary War?

        S3. Foreign Influences

        How did other countries impact the outcome of the Revolutionary War? 

        • video: Battle of Saratoga (2:40)
        • read aloud S3 and answer focus question 3 (pg 99)
        • complete the graphic organizer row titled: Saratoga (pg 96)


        S4. Civilians Pitch In

        How did civilian colonists support the Revolution?

        “Molly Pitcher” took over the cannon after her husband was injured at the Battle of Monmouth.

        Graphic Organizer: Minorities in the American Revolution (p98)


        S5. Divided Loyalties

        What roles did African Americans play in the Revolutionary War?

        Image result for peter salem



        • Many individuals (including civilians) and nations contributed to the American cause in the American Revolution. Which of these supporters was most significant? Choose one and explain why their support was so significant.

        12/5 & 12/6 --- S3. Foreign Influences /// S4. Civilians Pitch In

        DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


        • SWBAT describe the Battle of Saratoga and its significance in building support for the American Revolution.
          Standard: CA.HSS.8.1 - Students understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy.

          Essential Questions: 

          • How did other countries impact the outcome of the Revolutionary War?
          • How did civilian colonists support the Revolution?



          • S3. Foreign Influences
            • How did other countries impact the outcome of the Revolutionary War? 
          • S4. Civilians Pitch In
            • How did civilian colonists support the Revolution?

          S3. Foreign Influences

          How did other countries impact the outcome of the Revolutionary War? 

          • video: Battle of Saratoga (2:40)
          • read aloud S3 and answer focus question 3 (pg 99)
          • complete the graphic organizer row titled: Saratoga (pg 96)


          S4. Civilians Pitch In

          How did civilian colonists support the Revolution?

          “Molly Pitcher” took over the cannon after her husband was injured at the Battle of Monmouth.

          Graphic Organizer: Minorities in the American Revolution (p98)


          EXIT TICKET

          • Many individuals (citvilians) and nations contributed to the American cause in the American Revolution. Which individual or nation was most significant? Choose one and explain their significance.

          12/2 & 12/3 --- 3.4 Fighting for Independence /// S1. War Begins at Bunker Hill /// S2. New Battlefields of America

          DO NOW: in your composition book, copy and annotate the lesson objective.


          • SWBAT describe the Battle at Bunker Hill and the American military tactics used to fight the British.
            Standard: CA.HSS.8.1 - Students understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy.

            Essential Questions: 

            • What was the fighting like at the first major battle of the Revolutionary War?
            • What tactics did the Americans use to fight the British?



            • S1. War Begins at Bunker Hill
              • What was the fighting like at the first major battle of the Revolutionary War?
            • S2. New Battlefields of America
              • What tactics did the Americans use to fight the British?


            S1. War Begins at Bunker Hill

            What was the fighting like at the first major battle of the Revolutionary War?
            • video: Bunker Hill (2:30)
            • read aloud S1 and answer focus question 1 (pg 99)
            • complete the graphic organizer row titled BUNKER HILL (pg 96)


            S2. New Battlefields of America

            What tactics did the Americans use to fight the British?


            EXIT TICKET